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Married to a Liar – Orange County Divorce & Family Law


Married to a Liar – Orange County Divorce & Family Law

As a divorce lawyer, I have seen my fair share of challenging marriages. One of the most difficult situations to navigate is when one spouse is a liar. Being married to a liar can be incredibly damaging to one’s mental and emotional well-being, and it can be even more challenging when it comes to navigating […]

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One Woman’s Experience With a Covert Narcissist- Orange County Divorce & Family Law

**Note: This story has been shared with permission and names have been changed to protect identities.** Amanda never would have thought her husband was a narcissist. No way! Amanda thought that narcissists are charming, popular, and arrogant- right? No, not always. In fact, Amanda found herself in a relationship with one of the worst and

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Married to Crazy – Orange County Divorce & Family Law

Married to crazy Everybody’s heard the proverb about the frog in the pot of boiling water, but to live it is something else. And to live it within your own marriage- that’s hell on earth. When your marriage has gone really bad, home is no longer home. You spend your days walking on eggshells trying to

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Triangulation: A Narcissistic Abuse Tactic – Orange County Divorce & Family Law

Triangulation is a form of manipulation in which one person uses another person to manipulate a third person. When people triangulate, they exploit the dynamics between two or more other people for their own benefit. They may do it to increase their status, feel superior, acquire material gains, or for another selfish purpose. By using sneaky

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Projection: A Narcissist’s Deadly Weapon – Orange County Divorce & Family Law

Our firm specializes in divorce and family law cases that are complicated by narcissism and other personality disorders, and we’ve written an extensive catalog of posts about how to handle the situation if your ex is a narcissist. And today we are talking about how narcissists use projection in their relationships. What is projection? Psychology Today described this phenomenon very well…

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Beware of the Covert Narcissist – Orange County Divorce & Family Law

Our firm specializes in divorce and family law cases that are complicated by narcissism and other personality disorders, and we’ve written an extensive catalog of posts about how to handle the situation if your ex is a narcissist. But we haven’t written much yet about the different subtypes of narcissism, so in the coming weeks and months we’ll be

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Hiring a Divorce Lawyer Who Doesn’t Understand Narcissists – Orange County Divorce & Family Law

You searched on google. You asked around for referrals. You spent hours reading reviews, and finally, you did it. You wrote out a check for a big fat retainer and you hired the divorce & family law lawyer who you thought would be the one to handle your case. Maybe you breathed a sigh of

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My Spouse Comes from a Family of Mentally Ill People

My Spouse Comes from a Family of Mentally Ill People More than 50% of the population will be diagnosed with some sort of mental illness in their lifetime. Mental illness also has a genetic component. Because of this, it’s fairly common that your spouse will have a mental illness, and/or they’ll come from a family

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