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California Divorces When the Wife is the Breadwinner


California Divorces When the Wife is the Breadwinner

The dynamics of traditional marriages have undergone significant changes over the years, with an increasing number of women assuming the role of breadwinners. In California, a state known for its progressive family laws, divorces involving a financially successful wife require a nuanced approach to ensure a fair and equitable resolution for both parties. In this […]

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Unmarried? You are Single in the Eyes of the Law in California

As a divorce lawyer practicing in California, it is essential to address a common misconception regarding relationships and legal rights. Many individuals believe that living together for a certain period or presenting themselves as a married couple creates legal obligations similar to those in a formal marriage. However, under California law, there is no recognition

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California Business Owners who Divorce – Orange County Divorce & Family Law

Divorce can be a complicated and emotional process for anyone, but for California business owners, the stakes can be even higher. Not only are they dealing with the end of their marriage, but they also have to consider the impact it will have on their business. In California, divorce is governed by community property laws,

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