Paving the Pathway to a Promising Future

Melissa R.

This is my second review but I felt I needed to share more of my story and how much this firm has helped me through my case. I had been in a very abusive relationship both physically and emotional abuse during my pregnancy. I tried everything I could to resolve the situation myself by not seeking help and thinking I could resolve the situation myself. However things go so bad and I had no place to turn to for help. I mean things were so bad that my father and mother were afraid of my ex and did not know what to do to help me and my infant son. I called many lawyers and I could not find one that seemed to actually care about anything I was saying was happening to me. They told me that my situation would not change the outcome of my abuser gaining custody. This was my fear. I wanted my child to have a father but not one that would hurt him or hurt the people in his life. I happened to come across Mr. Bledsoe's firm by chance, and I am telling you it was God looking out for me. Mr. Bledsoe was so incredibly caring towards me, he let me know that I could get through this. I immediately new that this was the person that would help me get through this horrible situation that has gone on for over 2 years. My ex has shown even more behaviors that are concerning. I have not had the means to pay Mr. Bledsoe or his amazing staff all that I owe, I have no help and yet Mr. Bledsoe and all his staff has helped me still. John stood up to my ex in court when he was acting so horribly. John brought a sense of calmness for me who does not like confrontation but also stood up to my ex and knows how to communicated with the judge and everyone with respect. I could not have asked for a better lawyer to be here to help me. My case is still on going with my ex coming at me appealing everything and trying to hurt me and our child in any way he can. But Mr. Bledsoe will help me, I trust him and appreciate him and his staff so much. If you need help and are in need of help with a DV case or any family law matter, CALL JOHN! He will help you in every way her possibly can.
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