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Navigating Child Custody Disputes with a Narcissistic Ex-Spouse in Orange County

Author name: The Bledsoe Firm

Navigating Child Custody Disputes with a Narcissistic Ex-Spouse in Orange County

What Is Narcissism, and Can it Impact My Divorce or Child Custody? Almost everyone, at times, is self-centered. But if a person’s sense of self is so delicate and enhanced that it affects their ability to maintain relationships with friends, family, and spouses, they could have a recognized disorder known as narcissism. According to the […]

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Are Unmarried Parents Treated Differently in Orange County Child Custody Cases?

How Unmarried Parents are Treated During Orange County Child Custody Cases As an unmarried parent in Orange County, navigating the legal landscape of child custody can be a complex and daunting process. While the overall goal of ensuring the best interests of the child remains the same, there are distinct legal differences between married and

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How Can You Enforce a Child Custody Order in Orange County?

How Child Custody Orders Work in Orange County Child custody orders are legal documents that outline the rights and responsibilities of parents regarding the care and upbringing of their children. In Orange County, these orders are issued by the family courts and are legally binding. They may cover a range of issues, including physical custody,

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Protecting Your Assets: Property Division Guidelines in Orange County Divorces

What Is Community Property vs. Separate Property in California? The concept of community property (also known as marital property) versus separate property is an important legal concept in California that can have significant repercussions when a couple decides to divorce. To understand how to protect assets, knowing what will happen without planning is vital, which

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How Are Retirement Accounts Divided in an Orange County Divorce Case?

What Does California Consider to be Community Property? Community property is anything that could be considered marital assets, which usually applies to items or income earned or acquired during the marriage. That includes income earned during the marriage (including interest or investment income), real estate, businesses opened or purchased, vehicles, and anything purchased with community

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Paternity Tests and Father’s Rights in Orange County Family Law

Do Fathers Have Parental Rights in California? Unlike years ago, when the mother was largely considered to be the parent with rights, fathers today have more say and rights when it comes to their children. However, that doesn’t mean they won’t have to assert those rights legally. While many recent court cases in California have

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What Are the Options for Legal Separation in Orange County?

What Are the Options for Legal Separation in Orange County? The decision to conclude a marriage or domestic partnership can be complicated. Many unhappy couples are caught in a difficult choice, unable to live together but unable to file for divorce. One of them may depend on the other for health insurance or other benefits.

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How Do Orange County Courts Handle Child Relocation Requests After Divorce?

Child Relocation Requests: Navigating Postdivorce Relocations With Children A divorce or the end of a serious relationship is a major life change, and it’s not unusual for it to cause people to think about whether the other areas of their lives are supporting their goals and dreams for the future. Many people choose to move

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