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California Divorces When the Wife is the Breadwinner

Alimony/Spousal Support

California Divorces When the Wife is the Breadwinner

The dynamics of traditional marriages have undergone significant changes over the years, with an increasing number of women assuming the role of breadwinners. In California, a state known for its progressive family laws, divorces involving a financially successful wife require a nuanced approach to ensure a fair and equitable resolution for both parties. In this […]

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Split Decisions: Winning your Southern California Divorce

Our firm is pleased to announce the publication (in Paperback and Kindle) of Split Decisions: Winning your Southern California Divorce. Every day, people in Southern California go to the family court system to battle divorce, custody, and other family law cases – which ultimately wreck their finances, their families, and their lives in the ugly process

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I Was Served With Divorce Papers. What Happens if I Just Do Nothing?

I Was Served With Divorce Papers. What Happens if I Just Do Nothing? Our sympathy for the situation you’re facing but we must warn you that this is a terrible idea! Let’s talk about some of the potential consequences if you do nothing after being served with divorce papers in California. “True Default” Divorce in

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6 Facts Your California Divorce Lawyer Needs to Know

Full disclosure, your California divorce lawyer is going to need a great deal of financial and personal information to successfully represent you during divorce proceedings. Your divorce is going to involve questions of assets, income, debt, and family dynamics. The more your California divorce lawyer knows and understands about your specific circumstances, the easier it

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The Financial Mistakes to Avoid During Your California Divorce

Some of the biggest disputes during a California divorce involve finances and money. Former spouses argue over income, marital property, homes, bank accounts, alimony, and child support, just to name a few financial issues that come up during the average California divorce. These issues move money to the forefront of many conversations about divorce, but

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Why Are More People Choosing a California Prenuptial Agreement?

There is an interesting trend playing out in California family law. More people than ever are hiring a California family lawyer to draft, review, or negotiate a California prenuptial agreement than ever before. A California prenuptial is a legally binding agreement that is negotiated and signed by a couple prior to marriage. The terms of a California

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Grandparents Rights in Southern California Family Law

In the vast majority of cases, the court has a policy of non-interference and respects the rights of parents to decide which family members they allow to see their children. Notwithstanding this, there are rare circumstances where the court may intervene through laws which protect grandparent’s rights and allow for grandparent visitation against the wishes

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Willful Under or Unemployment During or After a California Divorce

Is Your Spouse or Former Spouse Willfully Under or Unemployed? The biggest factor that determines the amount of money that is awarded as spousal or child is the amount of money earned by the party who is obligated to pay. One dirty trick some try to game the system with is willful unemployment or underemployment.

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Calculating Spousal Support: Everything You Need to Know from a Newport CA Divorce Lawyer

Spousal support, also called partner support or alimony, is a big part of any divorce conversation in California. Even couples that signed a prenuptial agreement may have conversations with lawyers and accountants to discuss what amount of money is owed or would be paid according to California’s spousal support requirements. In some divorces, spousal support is the

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